Modern industrial doors
for the highest demands.

Our innovative door solutions.

EFAFLEX doors are characterized by outstanding, future-proof properties: High opening and closing speeds, optimum tightness, excellent  thermal insulation, sophisticated sensor technology and extreme durability.

All these features significantly reduce energy consumption , which in turn saves you a lot of money. In this way, we also support your company on the path to greater sustainability.

The EFAFLEX effect
Heat loss with traditional classic sectional doors
Heat losses with EFAFLEX high-speed doors

The black/orange bar shows the energy losses of an industrial building due to door openings on a typical working day. The slider simulates how our doors drastically reduce these energy losses throughout the day. Our fast doors demonstrably save costs, electricity and emissions. (Graphic: Extended measurements by our partner Etanomics based on the TUM study)

Our contribution to greater sustainability

Schnelllauftore Next Generation Zur „Next Generation“ gehören vier Tortypen in den drei Varianten Premium, Eco und Basic, die alle auf einem Konzept basieren. Jedes Tor ist nach dem Baukausten-Prinzip individuell konfigurier- und gestaltbar, sodass es insgesamt zwölf verschiedene Tore für die unterschiedlichsten Bedürfnisse und Anwendungen gibt. Auch Sonderwünsche lassen sich schnell und einfach umsetzen.. Alle ansehen

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Climate and environmental protection

With solar cells, charging stations and energy-efficient buildings, we make our day-to-day work sustainable, save energy and protect resources and the environment in the process.

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Our responsibility

At EFAFLEX, the focus is on people. We promote the well-being of our employees, actively involve them in shaping the future and support regional and social projects.

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